
Internet Society – Sweden Chapter

ISOC-SE is a non-profit organization which promotes: the open collaborative Internet Model, open standards, decentralized architecture, key principles (such as the “end-to-end”), users themselves choose which applications best meet their needs.


ISOC-SE is one of the oldest chapters of the Internet Society,  we were founded in 1997 by people  who connected Sweden to the Internet and made Sweden one of the first countries with a significant Internet penetration.
Today, our growing membership includes both tech-savvy veterans and regular users. We welcome everyone. Our motto is “Internet for Everyone” (in Swedish: Internet för alla).

Leading role

ISOC-SE took early an leading role together with other stakeholders in founding important organisations for key functions of the Internet in Sweden, That is two important organisations:

  1. ISOC-SE founded .SE (The Internet Infrastructure Foundation) which administrates the Swedish top-level domain .se, and supports Internet development in Sweden
  2. ISOC-SE has also founded Telematikens utveckling, which owns Netnod and Autonomica (which in turn run the national CIX points and the Irootserver of the world).

Some of our activities over 10 years

  • Participating in running the INET2001 and ICANN meetings in 2001
  • Influencing the Swedish government on Internet-related matters, through responding to government consultations and participation in the public debate.
  • Spreading information on important Internet-related matters through seminars, trade fairs and exhibitions to decision-makers, to the public and to our own membership.
  • Participation in international efforts to develop the Internet infrastructure, including IETF, ICANN, IAB, IGF and our mother organisation Internet Society.
  • Cooperation with other organisations, including Swedish government bodies, Internet operators and trade associations.
  • Participation in projects and working groups that deal with important Internet-related questions such as Internet Governance, the future of the Internet, Internet infrastructure etc.


You are welcome to join

Joining ISOC-SE will give you access to our seminars, contacts with some of the most influential Internet personalities in Sweden and the possibility to take part in our activities.

Moreover, members receive a 20 % reduction in the fee for the well-known yearly conference Internetdagarna. This year Internetdagarna will be expanded to three days, and the regular admission fee is 4 900 SEK (about €440).

The membership fee for ISOC-SE is 350 SEK (150 SEK for student and senior citizens). It is also possible for organisations to join ISOC-SE.
The seminars are usually open to non-members. Some seminar presentations are held in English.
